brownes maddi g
175g walnuts or pecan nuts
115g plain chocolate
175g butter
340g caster sugar
1 tespoon vanilla essence
3 eggs
115g plain flour
1 level tespoon baking powdes
1.- First grese the baking tin put.Put it onto baking parchmant.Draw around the tin, cut out the shape and put it in the bottom.
2.- Next turn on the oven.Put the nuts into a clean plastic bag and roll a rolling pin over them to break them into pices
3.- New break the chocolate into pices and put it into a heat-proof bowl. Stang the bowl ower a pan of simering water.
4.- Next cut the butter into pices and add it to the bowl.
Stil the butter and the chocolateuntil they me it.
5.-Next pour the melted chocolate and butter into a
mixing bowl. Stir in the caster sugar and vanilla essence.
6.-Leter whisk the eggs in another bowl. Beat them into the
chocolate mixture bit by bit, using a woden spoon
7.-After that sift the flour and baking powder into the bowl and add the
piecces of hut. Mix everycing together well.
8.-Then pour the mixture into the baking tin and smooth the top of
it with a knife. Bake it for about 40 minuts.ç
9.-Finally let the mixture cool a litle, then cut the brownies into squares. Leve them on a wire rack to cool.
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