Tuesday, March 6, 2018

Story by Leire

Safety pin By Jon

Muscular system by Inge and Iria

Washington by Jesús and Juan

Unicorn by Darlin


It was the girl`s birthday. And they celebrated it in the central park, her grandfather gave her a unicorn. After a while, there was a very suspicious man, a fanatic of the animals, and he stole the unicorn and left.

In the end, the girl and the grandfather found the animals fanatic. The girl realized that the man had a mask and they took it off and there was a child underneath. It was also the birthday of the child and the child had no family and they welcomed him.

unicorn bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

Wonderful wild animals by Zuriñe

Pigopotamus by Ane


This is my  animal mix.It is a mix between a pig and a hippopotamus. Its name is “Pigopotamus”.It’s very fat. It has got a pig head and a hippopotamus body.

It eats plants and fruits. It lives in the mountains but they are also in the zoos.
You can visit them.

But the entrance costs millions of euros.They are in danger of extinction.

cerdo bebe bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiakhipopotamo bebe bilaketarekin bat datozen irudiak

My own project By Jonma